This is my public blog which will chronicle all of my creative ons-goings and personal life fun.

Here you'll find pictures, How-To's, journals, reviews, and other such items concerning the activities I indulge in, of which include home-brewing of beer and meade, sewing, costuming, stained glass work, hair coloring, and much more.

Hopefully within these blog pages you'll find useful information to start your own hobbies, think about things a little differently yourself, or at the very least, be amused.

Go forth, be and create great things!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

HCG Weight Loss Plan

So, in talking to the wife of one of my co-workers, I was told about the HCG Protocol, which is supposed to be a daily injection that greatly helps in weight loss. Considering that I want to lose around 40-50lbs, this caught my attention pretty fast. His wife, both of her sisters, and a few of their friends (both male and female) have all tried it and all have had great success. So, I am posting the links here for the process.

1st is to read the designer of the HCG Protocol's book, Pounds & Inches -
A New Approach To Obesity
By: A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. available for free from this website. In summary,

What is hCG?
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone-like substance that comes from the human placenta during pregnancy.

How does hCG work?
It is widely known that there are different kinds of fat cells. Normal fat tissue serves as structural material in our bodies and also as reserve storage for fuel. This fuel is converted into energy when the body goes into starvation mode. This is what happens with most diets that simply restrict our calories; our body believes it is starving and begins to burn "good fat" or even deplete muscle as a source for energy. Abnormal fat cells are larger and metabolize glucose less efficiently than the normal cells. These cells are also a potential reserve for fuel, but are not utilized until after the normal fat reserves are exhausted. By the time the abnormal cells begin to be used, a dieter is already week and hungry and most often abandons the diet. The only exception to this is found during pregnancy, when the body uses both cells equally, to provide for the growing fetus.

Dr. Simeons found that the presence of hCG and its stimulation of the hypothalamus gland is what allows this to happen. After 30+ years of research, he found that when hCG in small daily doses (usually through injection), combined with a nutritional deficit (very low calorie diet), abnormal fat is released without depleting the normal tissue. Because of this, the hCG causes the individual to lose fat in the most undesirable areas first, where the abnormal fat is stored. The body will actually use the abnormal fat that is being released, as a form of energy and nourishment, in addition to the 500 calories you are taking in, while on the low calorie diet. He also found that the hCG allowed the individual to stay on the very low calorie diet, with little or no discomfort and also gave them a general overall feeling of well-being.

How much weight will I lose?
Everyone is different and therefore, no one's weight loss is the same. Most people can expect to lose between 20-40 lbs (usually about 12% of your starting total weight) with each 43 day course of hCG.

Length of hCG Course and Course Overview
A single round of hCG is either 26 or 43 days long, depending on how much weight you want to lose. Each round will start with 2 days of "gorging" on high fat and high calorie foods, on your first 2 days of injections. It takes 2 days for the abnormal fat to begin to circulate and become available, and the additional calories will actually re-stock the depleted normal fat reserves that is common in most over weight individuals that have tried many different diets. On the third day of injections, the Very Low Calorie Diet begins. After the 23rd or 40th injection (depending on length of the course) you discontinue hCG injections, but continue on the Low Calorie Diet, as it takes 3 days for the hCG to get out of your system.

After you complete 72 hours on the Low Calorie Diet, with out hCG, you begin your 6 week break. (The break gets longer between each subsequent round.) The first 3 weeks, you avoid all sugar and starch. The second 3 weeks, you can slowly reintroduce these foods back into your diet. This break prevents you from becoming immune to the effects of the hCG, and just as importantly it gives a chance for your hypothalamus gland to work in your behalf and re-set your weight set point.

Other considerations
There are other details and considerations to review before beginning hCG. This includes correcting dietary errors, menstration and other causes for a possible stall, and how hCG affects or improves upon existing health issues.
There are apparently a number of places you can get the supplies and information, but I am using the following ones because they are the proven places of the other people I know who have tried it.

You can get pre-made "Dosing Kits" which include the needles, sterile water, swabs and other things needed to safely give yourself injections.

The actual HCG has to be purchased from a pharmacy, such as this one.

Next, once the HCG gets to you, there is the "protocol" to follow:
  • First 2 days - eat LOTS of high-fat foods
  • 26 Day Course
    Day 1 and 2 - hCG injection in morning, then gorging all day, as much as possible
    Day 3 thru 23 - continue hCG injections and eat 500 calorie diet
    Day 24 thru 26 - No hCG, but continue 500 calorie diet
  • 43 Day Course
    Day 1 and 2 - hCG injection in morning, then gorging all day, as much as possible
    Day 3 thru 40 - continue hCG injections and eat 500 calorie diet
    Day 41 thru 43 - No hCG, but continue 500 calorie diet
    On a 43 day course, you should skip one injection a week, while continuing the 500 calorie diet. This is to help avoid becoming immune to the affects of hCG.
  • Final 72 hours of 500 Calorie Diet - Without hCG
    On the last three days of the low calorie diet, you do not take injections. You do not want to eat normal levels of food, while hCG is still in your system, or you will gain weight very quickly. So, you must continue the low calorie diet for the 72 hours it takes for the hCG to get completely out of your system. This is usually no different than the other days on hCG.
Meals are fairly strict. Here are the dietary guidelines set by Dr. Simeons for the 500 calorie diet:
  • Breakfast:
    - Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or stevia may be used.

  • Lunch:
  • - 100 grams of chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed.

    - One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, green salad, tomatoes, celery, onions, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.

    - One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast.

    - An apple or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit

  • Dinner: The same four choices as lunch
  • - The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing
    - Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. In fact, the patient should drink about 2 liters of these fluids per day. Many patients are afraid to drink so much because they fear that this may make them retain more water. This is a wrong notion as the body is more inclined to store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.

    - The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than than four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.

    - No medicines or cosmetics other than lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder may he used without special permission

    - No variations other than those listed may be introduced. All things not listed are forbidden, and the patient is assured that nothing permissible has been left out. The 100 grams of meat must be scrupulously weighed raw after all visible fat has been removed. To do this accurately the patient must have a letter-scale, as kitchen scales are not sufficiently accurate and the butcher should certainly not be relied upon. Those not uncommon patients who feel that even so little food is too much for them, can omit anything they wish.
There is no objection to breaking up the two meals. For instance having a breadstick and an apple for breakfast or before going to bed, provided they are deducted from the regular meals. The whole daily ration of two breadsticks or two fruits may not be eaten at the same time, nor can any item saved from the previous day be added on the following day.
  • The Final 72hrs of 500 Calorie Diet - Without hCG
- On the last three days of the low calorie diet, you do not take injections. You do not want to eat normal levels of food, while hCG is still in your system, or you will gain weight very quickly. So, you must continue the low calorie diet for the 72 hours it takes for the hCG to get completely out of your system. This is usually no different than the other days on hCG.

I am heavily considering giving it a try, after a little more research. Seems that there are many folks who use and love it.

While you can order a whole kit, that tends to be more expensive than ordering it piece by piece (even with shipping) if you're going to be ordering a bunch of it.

Bacteriostatic Water:

I sell it to local people for $5 per bottle. You need 1 bottle per 2 rounds.

Insulin Syringes 30 or 31 Gauge 1 cc - 100 ea AND alcohol preps:

10-30ml Mixing Vials (technically you need a new vial for each batch mixed...but I've been using the same two for a year. Keep them CLEAN) AND 5ml mixing syringes:

Finally, the HCG. one (1) 5000iu vial per 23 days. Brand doesn't matter so much as long as the vial is a sealed rubber-topped vial rather than the glass-topped vial that you have to break. Ovidac and Hucog are two main brands.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Link Repository of Awesome Things

So, since I perpetually fill up my FB page (and consequentially other people's walls) with tons of links from my new StumbleUpon addiction, I am dedicating a post to the awesome things.

Cooking Things:
  1. Chocolate-Peanut Butter Mousse Tart Recipe
  2. Dark Chocolate Guinness Cake with Bailey’s Buttercream
  3. Peanut Butter- S’Mores Turnovers
  4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough + Cupcake
  5. Churro Tots
  6. Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies
  7. Cinnamon-Sugar Puff Pastry Wheels
  8. Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites
  9. Cheer Wine Cupcakes
  10. Guacamumus!
  11. How to Make Bacon Whiskey
  12. Cheesy Beer Scones
  13. Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries (that could also probably be translated into chocolate gnache as well...)
  14. Make Flavored Vodka with Jolly Rancher Candies
  15. Delicious Oreo Truffles
  16. Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies
  17. Oreo-Stuffed Cupcakes
  18. Make Your Own Pop-Tarts
  19. Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes
  20. Common Ingredient Substitutions
  21. Amazing Jell-O Shots Ideas
  22. Lots of fun recipes, including rainbow cheesecake!
  23. Skittle-infused vodka!
  24. 15 Awesome Cheesecake Recipes
  25. Jell-o Shots Galore!
  26. Lambswool, a Traditional Irish Drink
  27. Making Beer Icecream
  28. Hershey's Double Kisses Truffles

Crafting Things:
  1. Upcycled Skirts: Umbrellas Converted into Colorful Clothes
  2. How to Make a Kitana Costume
  3. How To Sew Invisible Zippers
  4. DIY Shift Dress
  5. Resin Pendant Necklaces and Techniques along with the different supplies to use
  6. Double Knitting
  7. 10 Free Tote Bag Patterns & Tutorials
  8. Lots of Other Bag Patterns
  9. Pleated Tote Bag Pattern
  10. Nyan Papercraft Machine along with DIY Music Box Kit and Stencils!
  11. How to Start a Butterfly Collection
  12. Make Your Own Shirt Stencils
  13. Little Red Infinity Dress
  14. DIY String Chandeliers
  15. No-Sew Pillow Case
  16. Tiny Terrarium Inside a Lightbulb
  17. Craft Gawker website
  18. Indoor Tabletop Water Garden
  19. Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Sun Jars
  20. Build your own Aperture Science Portal Gun
  21. Lots of Knitting Stitches
  22. 365 Days of Sewing
  23. Lots of Anime Eyes
  24. How To Make Jewelry from Old CDs
  25. Make an art-deco lamp from plastic cups
  26. Carving your own Willow bark whistle
  27. Lots of fantastic knit and crochet patterns, including some awesome tops!
  28. Making Subway-style Art
  29. Make This Look Sewing Inspirations
  30. Crochet Pattern Central
  31. How To Sew a Pick-Up Skirt
  32. Some of the Best Sewing Tutorials Ever
  33. How To Make Perler Things and Here As Well
  34. Awesome examples of perler!
  35. Make Your Own Snuggie
  36. Crochet Daisy Bullion Pattern
  37. Amigurumi Crochet Patterns
  38. Crocheted Make-Up Remover Squares
  39. Create Your Own Beer Label
  40. Make Your Own Mini-Pocketbook
  41. Cute Crochet Koala Bear Amigurumi Pattern
  42. Make Your Own Mirror with Transparent Spots
  43. Making Votive Holders from Oranges
  44. How To Make an Upright Herb Planter from a Shoe Rack
  45. How To Make Pin Tucks for Duvets and Other Items
  46. Lots of Cables for Knitting
  47. Crochet Tunic
  48. Woven Circles Granny Squares
  49. How To Alter a Thrift Store Dress
  50. How To Make Melted Crayon Art

Other Random Things:
  1. Meade Recipe
  2. Home Brewers Association
  3. The Master Cleanser
  4. Zelda MTG Cards + Expansion Set
  5. Fun Drinking Games and MORE Drinking Games!
  6. Wine and Food Pairing Guide
  7. Lots of Android stuff: XDA forums, Revolutionary (for S=Off) and ROMs
  8. Assorted spells (unresearched for legitimacy)
  9. Random Facts and How-Tos
  10. 100 Anime Works
  11. Guide for making my own Dominion base game set: Kingdom Cards and Basic Cards
  12. Some of the most amazing and beautiful jewelry I have ever seen!
  13. Warning Sign Generator

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

My New Venture - Twisted Glass

Please help get the word out about my campaign on IndieGoGo!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Honeysuckle Meade

Sometime here soon, I plan to make this. It will be made with LOTS of honeysuckle flowers and fresh spring water from Boone, NC.


Honeysuckles are best gathered shortly after they open and when dry. Pick the flowers only. Stems and flower heads are not desired. The flower petals will pull off easily. Lightly pack the petals when measuring.


  • 6 cups honeysuckle flower petals
  • 7-1/2 pts water
  • 2-1/2 lbs finely granulated sugar (substitute honey here)
  • 3 tsp acid blend
  • 1 crushed Campden tablet
  • 1/8 tsp tannin
  • 1 tsp yeast nutrient
  • Champagne or Montrachet wine yeast

Rinse fresh flowers under cold water to remove dust, insects, etc. Put flowers in 2 quart saucepan with tight-fitting lid. Add 1 quart water and bring to a simmer. Fit lid and turn off heat. Let steep for three hours. Meanwhile, bring remainder of water to boil and stir in sugar (honey) until dissolved. Remove from heat, put lid on pan and allow to cool. Strain flower water into primary. Add all remaining ingredients except yeast, stirring until Campden powder is dissolved. Cover well and set aside for 24 hours. Add activated yeast and recover primary. Stir daily until s.g. drops to 1.015. Rack into secondary and fit airlock. After 30 days, rack into sanitized secondary, top up and refit airlock. Set aside in dark place for 6 months, racking at 3 months and 6 months if deposits require it. Stabilize, sweeten if desired and rack into bottles. Store in dark place six months before tasting. [Adapted from Terry Garey's The Joy of Home Winemaking]


  • 6 cups honeysuckle flower petals
  • 7-1/2 pts water
  • 2-1/2 lbs finely granulated sugar (substitute honey here)
  • 2 lemons or 1 lemon and 1 orange
  • 1 crushed Campden tablet
  • 1/8 tsp tannin
  • 1 tsp yeast nutrient
  • Champagne or Montrachet wine yeast

Thinly peel citrus, retaining peel and juicing fruit. Rinse fresh flowers under cold water to remove dust, insects, etc. Put flowers and citrus peeling in 2 quart saucepan with tight-fitting lid. Add 1 quart water and bring to a simmer. Fit lid and turn off heat. Let steep for three hours. Meanwhile, bring remainder of water to boil and stir in sugar (honey) until dissolved. Remove from heat, put lid on pan and allow to cool. Strain flower water into primary. Add citrus juice and all remaining ingredients except yeast, stirring until Campden powder is dissolved. Cover well and set aside for 24 hours. Add activated yeast and recover primary. Stir daily until s.g. drops to 1.015. Rack into secondary and fit airlock. After 30 days, rack into sanitized secondary, top up and refit airlock. Set aside in dark place for 6 months, racking at 3 months and 6 months if deposits require it. Stabilize, sweeten if desired and rack into bottles. Store in dark place six months before tasting. [Adapted from Terry Garey's The Joy of Home Winemaking]

- Borrowed from Jack Keller's website

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse really IS coming!

So, my friend just made a startling connection - the zombie apocalypse that the CDC is warning about is the inevitable occurrence after the Rapture on Saturday - all those bodies without souls!

If you're ready for a zombie apocalypse, then you're ready for any emergency.

I HIGHLY suggest going RIGHT NOW and buying Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide, power reading it, and preparing. I know I will be! (It also helps that I'm a home brewer and have a LARGE source of long-term storing sterile drinks!)

Swords don't need reloading and don't make nearly as much noise!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I Yearn

"I yearn...." she said into the darkness, its eyes, void and deep, watching her. "I yearn for what is not. My heart cries out for the things that my mind has created but cannot obtain. I desire it deep within my soul, yet know that it is not true. But it is out there, somewhere." Ice hung on every syllable, chilling it in the blackness in which she surrounded herself.

She came here at times, to this place full of both desire and despair, yet empty as a blackness that one can only understand by feeling it. It was a place created by her in her darkest hours in which she could run away and hide for when those hours returned. It’s calm chill both soothed her and flamed her pain, yet she found solace in it.

"What is it you yearn for?" the darkness asked back in a voice reminiscent of what death would sound like should he speak.

“I yearn for a light that would kill you, drive you away to nothingness forever. I wish to have what I have always wanted.”

“But my lovely, everything you have, I have given to you. You asked for hope, and I brought it. You asked for love, and I embraced you. You cried for peace, and I dried your tears. What more could you want?” it replied, like a faint breeze caressing her pale cheek.

“Your touch is tainted. You have only given me glimmers of my deepest desiresgsries out for peace that my mind has created but cannot obtain. away and hide for when thoa corner. . Fragments of hopes and dreams that I have yearned for. And your embrace is cold. As you wiped my tears, your touch cut me.” She lifted her head upwards, inhaling slowly, dark smoky curls tumbling down her back as she did so.

“But you come to me when you are in need of solace, my love. You cannot deny that,” it whispered.

“No, I cannot....” her voice trailed off as her head lowered once more to rest on her knees as she sat curled against a corner, the jagged rocks of a pillowy world against her back.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Survey Test Run

Please take just a few minutes of your time to fill out this survey if you, or anyone you know is an individual herp keeper.