This is my public blog which will chronicle all of my creative ons-goings and personal life fun.

Here you'll find pictures, How-To's, journals, reviews, and other such items concerning the activities I indulge in, of which include home-brewing of beer and meade, sewing, costuming, stained glass work, hair coloring, and much more.

Hopefully within these blog pages you'll find useful information to start your own hobbies, think about things a little differently yourself, or at the very least, be amused.

Go forth, be and create great things!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where'd she goooooo.......?

Hey Folks,

Just posting my class schedule for ya'll, so you know what I'm up to this semester and when you're wondering "Where the hell has Christine been??", you'll see it and say "Oh, yeah..." ;-)

5 Classes
- Application Development I
- Web Development I
- System Analysis
- Project Management
- Acct 2200 (WebCT class)


Monday: App Dev I (2pm - 3:30pm), Data Mgt (8pm - 10:45pm)
Tuesday: Sys Analysis (3:30pm - 4:45pm), Prj Mgt (8pm - 10:45pm)
Wednesday: App Dev I (2pm - 3:30pm)
Thursday: Sys Analysis (3:30pm - 4:45pm), Web Dev I (8pm - 10:45pm)
Friday: No class

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