She was purchased today from a local schoolteacher who is on maternity leave and no longer able to care for her. When I came over to see her, she showed no signs of being cage-shy, and I picked her up and she was very alert and curious, crawling all over me, down my shirt, in my sleeves, etc. while the previous owner and I talked shop.
She had been kept and maintained at the school where the lady taught, and was very used to being handled, as the kids in the classroom loved the snake. She was eating 2 small mice about every 2 weeks, and had a shed about 2 weeks ago. The previous owner thawed some mice, so that we could feed her then so I could watch her eat, and she just scarfed them right down.
So, $75 later, I have a beautiful new snake!
As you can see though, she becomes patternless about 2/3 down her body. For any of you very experienced snake folk, care to shed some light on this, as I have never seen it before? Is it some sort of abnormal morph?
And just for good measure, my other two babies...