This is my public blog which will chronicle all of my creative ons-goings and personal life fun.

Here you'll find pictures, How-To's, journals, reviews, and other such items concerning the activities I indulge in, of which include home-brewing of beer and meade, sewing, costuming, stained glass work, hair coloring, and much more.

Hopefully within these blog pages you'll find useful information to start your own hobbies, think about things a little differently yourself, or at the very least, be amused.

Go forth, be and create great things!


Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Addition to the House!

Hey all!

I went to the Ga Reptile Expo today, and (even though this was my first reptile show) I thought it was pretty awesome! Smaller than I expected, but lots of beautiful animals there and very friendly people. I'm so excited for the show that is coming in mid-January '10!!!

I must say, there was something just plain awesome about being able to be about a foot away from a diamondback rattlesnake, or see a BEAUTIFUL albino python that was 200+lbs!

I also brought home a new baby! *squee* And it is a snake that I have dreamed of having since I was a little girl, checking out the same snake books from the public library over, and over, and over again.

She is a little Brazilian Rainbow Boa! Yes, that is just a picture I pulled off the internet, and not MY snake, but I promise I will have plenty of pics of my real baby girl as soon as she has chilled out in her new home for a few days, because she's had a long, stressful day. The seller was actually a local (to GA) breeder, and he gave me a guarantee on her that she was healthy and gave me his cell number in case I had any problems. He was very happy to answer all my questions about her, and trust me, I asked a BUNCH!

She has the most amazingly vibrant colors and a wondrous iridescent sheen. Her eyes are nice and bright, she's alert, and has a good muscle tone. I am quite happy with my new little girl. I've got a cypress/Repti-Bark mix substrate, under-tank heater, and a few places on both warm and cool sides for her to hide. The warm side is about 86* and the cool is right above 70*, with a current humidity of 80%. I went and got another thermometer/hydrometer w/probe from WalMart, but found that they had gone from $8.00 to $12.00 (but still a good deal).

And her name will be Ena-Danu Arcus.

* Ena = Bright and Shining
* Danu = Earth Goddess
* Arcus = Goddess of Rainbows

1 comment:

  1. And j00r family grows! What's next, praytell? ;P
